Avokadot eivät kuulu kaatopaikalle eikä kaasutehtaaseen

We believe in giving biowaste a new life. We collect and upcycle avocado and other type of seeds from grocers, restaurants and supermarkets to turn them into happy little trees™.

Lue lisää

Pölyltä pölylle ei enää.

We snatch seeds before they are thrown to waste. We source thousands of them from restaurants each month and accept donations from private people as well. We grow our trees in spent substrate obtained from Helsieni mushrooms farm. If you wish we can also grow your own plants for a nominal fee. Come and visit us at address to deposit your plant seeds.

No more imports

Transporting plants is an energy wasteful business and helps the spread of diseases.


We use recycled energy, soil and nutrients fom Finland to produce our plants. Recycled is now also beautiful!

Tervellinen ajatus

Avocado trees grow tall, look beautiful and help keep your indoor environments clean and welcoming.

Rakkaudella kasvatettu

Every single plant we produce was grown with all our heart from seed to tree and are certified 100% love!

Tips and tricks


More light and more heat? More water as well. Your avocados will tell you right away when they are thirsty by wilting their leaves noticeably. If you won't nbe able to tend to the plants for a period longer than a week, water them well and place them in a dark area.

Lightning conditions

Avocados are happy in the shadows and they also love full sunlight. Be aware that if you transfer your plants from shadow to direct sunlight without a period of adptation their leaves might partially burn.

Soil and pot space

Depending on how tall you wish your tree to grow, you will need more soil and a bigger pot. Prefer a sandy and well areated soil mixture like that formulated specifically for citrus fruits. A 5 liter pot will get you a 3 meter tall plant without issue.

Nutrients and extras

After acquisition, your plant will have enough nutrients for an entire year or more. You can get in touch with us if your plants aren't growing and we will happily diagnose what's needed!